63 Quote Keren Bahasa Inggris Untuk Terus Berusaha

63 Quote Keren Bahasa Inggris Untuk Terus Berusaha

1. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." (Ferris Bueller) Click to tweet

(Hidup kita berjalan sangat cepat. Jika kita tidak berhenti dan melihat sekitar dengan seksama, maka kita akan kehilangannya.)


Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. (Ferris Bueller)

2. "Struggle that you do today is the single way to build a better future." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Perjuangan yang Anda lakukan hari ini merupakan cara untuk membangun kualitas yang lebih baik di hari esok.)


Struggle that you do today is the single way to build a better future. (Quote Keren)

3. "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." (Helen Keller) Click to tweet

(Optimisme adalah keyakinan yang mengarah pada prestasi. Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan tanpa harapan dan kepercayaan diri.)


Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. (Helen Keller)

4. "Successful people don't fear failure but understand that it's necessary to learn and grow from." (Robert Kiyosaki) Click to tweet

(Orang sukses tidak takut kegegalan tetapi mengerti bahwa kegagalan adalah hal yang penting untuk dipelajari dan tumbuh darinya.)


Successful people don't fear failure but understand that it's necessary to learn and grow from. (Robert Kiyosaki)

5. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." (Mark Twain) Click to tweet

(Rahasia untuk maju adalah memulai.)


The secret of getting ahead is getting started. (Mark Twain)

6. "Live as if you will die tomorrow. Study hard as if you will live forever." (Mahatma Gandhi) Click to tweet

(Hiduplah seakan-akan kau akan mati besok. Belajarlah seakan-akan kau akan hidup selamanya.)


Live as if you will die tomorrow. Study hard as if you will live forever. (Mahatma Gandhi)

7. "One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world." (Gautama Buddha) Click to tweet

(Satu waktu dapat merubah suatu hari, satu hari dapat merubah kehidupan, dan satu kehidupan dapat merubah dunia.)


One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world. (Gautama Buddha)

8. "Where there is love there is life." (Mahatma Gandhi) Click to tweet


Where there is love there is life. (Mahatma Gandhi)

9. "Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." (Conrad Hilton) Click to tweet

(Lelaki dan perempuan sukses selalu terus bergerak. Mereka berbuat kesalahan, tetapi mereka tidak berhenti.)


Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. (Conrad Hilton)

10. "Your biggest weakness is when you give up and your greatest power is when you try one more time." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Kelemahan terbesarmu adalah ketika kamu menyerah dan kehebatan terbesarmu adalah ketika kamu mencoba sekali lagi.)


Your biggest weakness is when you give up and your greatest power is when you try one more time. (Quote Keren)

11. "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." (Thomas Alva Edison) Click to tweet

(Banyak dari kegagalan hidup adalah mereka yang tidak sadar seberapa dekat mereka dengan kesuksesan saat mereka menyerah.)


Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. (Thomas Alva Edison)

12. "Do something today that your future self will thank you for." (Sean Patrick Flanery) Click to tweet

(Lakukan sesuatu hari ini yang mana kita akan berterima kasih padanya di masa depan nanti.)


Do something today that your future self will thank you for. (Sean Patrick Flanery)

13. "You can learn a lot from your mistakes when you aren't busy denying them." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Kita bisa belajar banyak dari kesalahan kita ketika kita tidak sibuk mengutuk mereka.)


You can learn a lot from your mistakes when you aren't busy denying them. (Quote Keren)

14. "Never lost hope, because it is the key to achieve all your dreams." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Jangan pernah kehilangan harapan, karena itu adalah kunci untuk meraih semua mimpimu.)


Never lost hope, because it is the key to achieve all your dreams. (Quote Keren)

15. "We should not give up and we should not to allow the problem to defeat us." (A.P.J. Abdul Kalam) Click to tweet

(Kita seharusnya tidak menyerah dan kita seharusnya tidak membiarkan masalah itu mengalahkan kita.)


We should not give up and we should not to allow the problem to defeat us. (A.P.J. Abdul Kalam)

16. "Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself." (Mark A Cooper) Click to tweet

(Hidup kita tidak memiliki kendali, maka bangun dan ubah hidupmu sendiri.)


Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself. (Mark A Cooper)

17. "Work hard in silence. Success be your noise." (Frank Ocean) Click to tweet

(Bekerja keras dengan diam. Kesuksesan menjadi suaramu.)


Work hard in silence. Success be your noise. (Frank Ocean)

18. "Love is like war; easy to begin but very hard to stop." (H.L. Mencken) Click to tweet

(Cinta itu seperti sebuah peperangan. Mudah untuk memulainya, tetapi sangat sulit untuk menyudahinya.)


Love is like war; easy to begin but very hard to stop. (H.L. Mencken)

19. "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." (Carol Burnett) Click to tweet

(Hanya aku yang bisa mengubah hidupku. Tak satu orang pun mampu melakukannya untukku.)


Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. (Carol Burnett)

20. "Never lost hope, because it is the key to achieve all your dreams." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Jangan pernah kehilangan harapan, karena itu adalah kunci untuk meraih semua mimpimu.)


Never lost hope, because it is the key to achieve all your dreams. (Quote Keren)

21. "A wise always know himself and think he is fool, but a fool will always think that hes wise." (William Shakespeare) Click to tweet

(Orang bijak pasti tahu tentang dirinya dan menganggap dirinya bodoh, sedangkan orang bodoh akan selalu bodoh jika selalu berpikir bahwa dirinya bijak.)


A wise always know himself and think he is fool, but a fool will always think that hes wise. (William Shakespeare)

22. "If you want live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." (Albert Einstein) Click to tweet

(Jika kita ingin menjalani hidup dengan baik, maka gantungkan hidupmu pada tujuan, bukan bergantung pada manusia ataupun sesuatu.)


If you want live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. (Albert Einstein)

23. "Do your best at every opportunity tahat you have." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Lakukan yang terbaik di semua kesempatan yang kamu miliki.)


Do your best at every opportunity tahat you have. (Quote Keren)

24. "If you can dream it, you can do it." (Walt Disney) Click to tweet

(Jika Anda dapat memimpikannya, maka Anda dapat melakukannya.)


If you can dream it, you can do it. (Walt Disney)

25. "If opportunity does not come to you, then create it." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Jika kesempatan tidak menghampirimu, maka ciptakanlah.)


If opportunity does not come to you, then create it. (Quote Keren)

26. "The easiest way to be smart is to learn from the stupidest thing youve ever done." (Wilson Kanadi) Click to tweet

(Cara termudah untuk jadi pandai adalah belajar dari hal terbodoh yang pernah Anda lakukan.)


The easiest way to be smart is to learn from the stupidest thing youve ever done. (Wilson Kanadi)

27. "Wise people learn when they can. Stupid people learn when they are forced to." (Arthur Wellesley) Click to tweet

(Orang bijak belajar ketika mereka bisa. Orang bodoh belajar ketika mereka terpaksa.)


Wise people learn when they can. Stupid people learn when they are forced to. (Arthur Wellesley)

28. "With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." (Eleanor Roosevelt) Click to tweet

(Bersamaan dengan hari baru, muncul kekuatan dan pemikiran baru.)


With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

29. "If we never try, we will never know." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Jika kita tidak pernah mencoba, maka kita tidak akan pernah tahu.)


If we never try, we will never know. (Quote Keren)

30. "When you want to give up, look at back and then see how far you have climbed to reach your goal." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Ketika kamu ingin menyerah, lihatlah ke belakang dan kemudian ketahui seberapa jauh kamu telah berusaha untuk meraih tujuanmu.)


When you want to give up, look at back and then see how far you have climbed to reach your goal. (Quote Keren)

31. "In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can." (Nikos Kazantzakis) Click to tweet

(Supaya sukses, pertama-tama kita harus percaya bahwa kita bisa melakukannya.)


In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. (Nikos Kazantzakis)

32. "Success and failure are both part of life. Both are not permanent." (Shah Rukh Khan) Click to tweet

(Kesuksesan dan kegagalan, keduanya adalah bagian dari hidup. Dan keduanya tidaklah tetap.)


Success and failure are both part of life. Both are not permanent. (Shah Rukh Khan)

33. "Education is a ticket from the future. Tomorrow for people who have prepared themselves today." (Malcolm X) Click to tweet

(Pendidikan merupakan tiket untuk masa depan. Hari esok untuk orang-orang yang telah mempersiapkan dirinya hari ini.)


Education is a ticket from the future. Tomorrow for people who have prepared themselves today. (Malcolm X)

34. "Life would be tragic If it weren't funny." (Stephen Hawking) Click to tweet

(Hidup akan menjadi menyedihkan jika tidak ada kelucuan.)


Life would be tragic If it weren't funny. (Stephen Hawking)

35. "You have time but limited, so make your time for yourself, do not waste for the others life." (Steve Jobs) Click to tweet

(Anda punya waktu yang terbatas, jadi jangan Anda sia-siakan hanya dengan menggunakannya untuk kehidupan orang lain.)


You have time but limited, so make your time for yourself, do not waste for the others life. (Steve Jobs)

36. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." (Confucius) Click to tweet

(Tidaklah menjadi masalah sepelan apa kita dalam menjalani hidup selama kita tidak berhenti berusaha.)


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. (Confucius)

37. "The trully happiness is when what you do, say, and think are in a good harmony." (Mahatma Gandhi) Click to tweet

(Kebahagiaan atau kegembiraan adalah ketika yang Anda pikirkan, diucapkan, dan kerjakan berada dalam satu harmoni yang selaras.)


The trully happiness is when what you do, say, and think are in a good harmony. (Mahatma Gandhi)

38. "Struggle that you do today is the single way to build a better future." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Perjuangan yang kamu lakukan hari ini merupakan cara untuk membangun kualitas yang lebih baik di hari esok.)


Struggle that you do today is the single way to build a better future. (Quote Keren)

39. "When your knees was pushed by the world, thats because you are in the perfect pose to pray." (Jalaluddin Rumi) Click to tweet

(Ketika Anda dipaksa untuk bertekuk lutut oleh dunia, janganlah putus asa, karena itu adalah posisi yang paling sempurna untuk berdoa kepada Tuhan.)


When your knees was pushed by the world, thats because you are in the perfect pose to pray. (Jalaluddin Rumi)

40. "Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved." (Winnie The Pooh) Click to tweet

(Hidup adalah sebuah perjalanan yang bisa dijadikan pengalaman bukan sekedar masalah yang harus diselesaikan.)


Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved. (Winnie The Pooh)

41. "You do not need to be great to start something. Do it now and do not ever put off because the chance may not come twice." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Anda tidak perlu menjadi hebat untuk memulai sesuatu. Lakukan sekarang dan jangan pernah menunda karena kesempatan mungkin tidak datang dua kali.)


You do not need to be great to start something. Do it now and do not ever put off because the chance may not come twice. (Quote Keren)

42. "If you not have freedom a little fo make a mistake, so thats mean it not worth called freedom." (Mahatma Gandhi) Click to tweet

(Jika Anda tidak memiliki kebebasan untuk melakukan kesalahan bahkan sekecil apapun, berarti itu tidak layak disebut sebagai kebebasan.)


If you not have freedom a little fo make a mistake, so thats mean it not worth called freedom. (Mahatma Gandhi)

43. "There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Tidak ada lift untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Kamu harus menaiki tangga.)


There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. (Quote Keren)

44. "Slow progress is better than no progress." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Peningkatan yang lamban lebih baik daripada tidak ada peningkatan.)


Slow progress is better than no progress. (Quote Keren)

45. "Wealth decreases when we spent, but knowledge will increase when spent." (Ali bin Abi Thalib) Click to tweet

(Harta itu berkurang apabila dibelanjakan, tapi ilmu bertambah bila dibelanjakan.)


Wealth decreases when we spent, but knowledge will increase when spent. (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

46. "I am mine before I am ever anyone else's." (Nayyirah Waheed) Click to tweet

(Kita adalah milik kita sendiri sebelum menjadi milik orang lain.)


I am mine before I am ever anyone else's. (Nayyirah Waheed)

47. "Some have greatness thrust upon them, some can achieve the greatness, and some are born to be great." (William Shakespeare) Click to tweet

(Beberapa terlahir untuk hebat, beberapa bisa mencapai kejayaan, dan beberapa punya kejayaan yang datang ke arah mereka.)


Some have greatness thrust upon them, some can achieve the greatness, and some are born to be great. (William Shakespeare)

48. "If someone takes responsibility without force, that is love." (Radhanath Swami) Click to tweet


If someone takes responsibility without force, that is love. (Radhanath Swami)

49. "Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Kesalahan memiliki kekuatan untuk mendorong kita ke arah yang lebih baik dari diri kita sebelumnya.)


Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before. (Quote Keren)

50. "If the plan doesnt work, change the plan but never the goal." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Rencananya yang tidak berhasil, rubah rencananya namun jangan pernah merubah tujuannya.)


If the plan doesnt work, change the plan but never the goal. (Quote Keren)

51. "If we never try, we will never know." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Jika kita tidak pernah mencoba, maka kita tidak akan pernah tahu.)


If we never try, we will never know. (Quote Keren)

52. "Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines." (Robert H. Schuller) Click to tweet

(Masalah bukan tanda berhenti, itu adalah pedoman.)


Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. (Robert H. Schuller)

53. "The only failure is not to try." (George Clooney) Click to tweet

(Satu-satunya kegagalan adalah tidak pernah mencoba.)


The only failure is not to try. (George Clooney)

54. "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." (Aristoteles) Click to tweet

(Akar dari belajar adalah kepahitan tetapi berbuah kemanisan.)


The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristoteles)

55. "Education is the only key to unlocking the world, as well as passport to freedom." (Oprah Winfrey) Click to tweet

(Pendidikan adalah satu-satunya kunci untuk membuka dunia ini, serta paspor untuk menuju kebebasan.)


Education is the only key to unlocking the world, as well as passport to freedom. (Oprah Winfrey)

56. "I was broken from a young age, now rise from adversity." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Saya sudah patah sejak muda, sekarang bangkit dari keterpurukan.)


I was broken from a young age, now rise from adversity. (Quote Keren)

57. "You do not need to be great to start something. Do it now and do not ever put off because the chance may not come twice." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Kamu tidak perlu menjadi hebat untuk memulai sesuatu. Lakukan sekarang dan jangan pernah menunda karena kesempatan mungkin tidak datang dua kali.)


You do not need to be great to start something. Do it now and do not ever put off because the chance may not come twice. (Quote Keren)

58. "Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." (Albert Einstein) Click to tweet

(Belajar bukanlah memelajari sebuah fakta, tetapi melatih pikiran untuk berpikir.)


Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. (Albert Einstein)

59. "Like the universe, patience with small details makes perfect for a large work." (Jalaluddin Rumi) Click to tweet

(Kesabaran yang memiliki detail kecil membuat kesempurnaan untuk pekerjaan besar, sebanding dengan alam semesta.)


Like the universe, patience with small details makes perfect for a large work. (Jalaluddin Rumi)

60. "Before happen to us and we experience them, we definitely choose our sorrows and joys long." (Kahlil Gibran) Click to tweet

(Kita pasti memilih kegembiraan dan kesedihan yang jauh-jauh sebelum itu terjadi pada kita dan memberi pengalaman mereka.)


Before happen to us and we experience them, we definitely choose our sorrows and joys long. (Kahlil Gibran)

61. "Today I will do what others don't. So tomorrow I can do what others can't." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Hari ini Saya akan melakukan apa yang orang lain tidak lakukan. Dengan begitu Saya bisa melakukan apa yang orang lain tidak bisa lakukan.)


Today I will do what others don't. So tomorrow I can do what others can't. (Quote Keren)

62. "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." (Tony Robbins) Click to tweet

(Menetapkan tujuan adalah langkah pertama dalam mengubah yang tak terlihat menjadi terlihat.)


Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. (Tony Robbins)

63. "It always seems imposibble until it's done." (Nelson Mandela) Click to tweet

(Suatu hal akan terlihat tidak mungkin sampai Anda bisa melakukannya.)


It always seems imposibble until it's done. (Nelson Mandela)

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