Kata-Kata Bijak Ed Sheeran

Kata-Kata Bijak Ed Sheeran

1. "Have ever been and I'll never leave again, Cause you are the only one. And all my friends have gone to find, another place to let their hearts collide." (Ed Sheeran) Click to tweet

(Pernah dan tidak akan pernah pergi lagi, karena kamu satu-satunya. Semua temanku telah pergi untuk menemukan tempat lain untuk membiarkan hati mereka bertubrukan.)


Have ever been and I'll never leave again, Cause you are the only one. And all my friends have gone to find, another place to let their hearts collide. (Ed Sheeran)

2. "Everything's reminding me of you." (Ed Sheeran) Click to tweet


Everything's reminding me of you. (Ed Sheeran)

3. "When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful, I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight." (Ed Sheeran) Click to tweet

(Saat aku melihatmu dengan gaun itu, terlihat sangat cantik. Aku tidak pantas untuk ini sayang, kau terlihat sempurna malam ini.)


When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful, I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight. (Ed Sheeran)

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