Quote Keren Tentang Harapan dan Keyakinan

Quote Keren Tentang Harapan dan Keyakinan

1. "Hope is the thing with feathers. That perches in the soul. And sings the tune without the words. And never stops at all." (Emily Dickinson) Click to tweet

(Harapan adalah sesuatu hal yang menakjubkan. Harapan bertengger pada jiwa. Dan menyanyi dengan melodi tanpa kata-kata. Serta tidak akan berhenti.)


Hope is the thing with feathers. That perches in the soul. And sings the tune without the words. And never stops at all. (Emily Dickinson)

2. "I like the night. Without dark, we would never see the stars." (Stephenie Meyer) Click to tweet

(Saya suka malam hari. Tanpa kegelapan, kita tidak dapat melihat bintang.)


I like the night. Without dark, we would never see the stars. (Stephenie Meyer)

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