12 Kata-Kata Cinta Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

12 Kata-Kata Cinta Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

1. "When love feels like magic, you call it destiny. When destiny has a sense of humor, you call it serendipity." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Ketika cinta terasa seperti sihir, kamu menyebutnya takdir. Saat takdir berubah menjadi sebuah humor, kamu menyebutnya kejutan yang menyenangkan.)


When love feels like magic, you call it destiny. When destiny has a sense of humor, you call it serendipity. (Quote Keren)

2. "Love is a mystery that is hidden throughout the ages, sneaking behind the appearance and make our hearts as the nest." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Cinta adalah suatu misteri yang terselubung sepanjang zaman, mengendap-endap di balik penampilan dan menjadikan hati kita sebagai sarangnya.)


Love is a mystery that is hidden throughout the ages, sneaking behind the appearance and make our hearts as the nest. (Quote Keren)

3. "I'm not the same since i met u, the days turned longer the nights turned colder and u will always have a special place in my heart just for you. I Do LOVE YOU!" (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Aku bukanlah orang yang seperti dulu sejak bertemu denganmu. Hari terasa lebih lama. Malam terasa lebih dingin. Dan kamu selalu mendapat tempat istimewa di hatiku. Aku sungguh mencintaimu.)


I'm not the same since i met u, the days turned longer the nights turned colder and u will always have a special place in my heart just for you. I Do LOVE YOU! (Quote Keren)

4. "The day will come when you'll be mine. But I'll just wait till that time. If I have to wait forever, that's what I'll do. Cause I can't live my life without you." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Hari itu akan datang saat kamu menjadi milikku. Tapi aku hanya akan menunggunya saat itu tiba. Jika memang aku harus menunggu selamanya, itupun akan aku lakukan. Karena aku tak bisa hidup tanpamu.)


The day will come when you'll be mine. But I'll just wait till that time. If I have to wait forever, that's what I'll do. Cause I can't live my life without you. (Quote Keren)

5. "If I could go with you in the dream, I would continue to sleep forever." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Jika aku bisa pergi denganmu dalam mimpi, aku akan terus tidur selamanya.)


If I could go with you in the dream, I would continue to sleep forever. (Quote Keren)

6. "As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Seperti yang ia baca, aku jatuh cinta sebagaimana caramu tertidur: perlahan dan semuanya sekaligus.)


As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once. (Quote Keren)

7. "Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Bertemu denganmu adalah takdir, menjadi temanmu adalah pilihan, tapi jatuh cinta denganmu benar-benar di luar dayaku.)


Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control. (Quote Keren)

8. "All the gold and diamond in the world are not enough to buy the love I have for you." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Semua emas dan permata di dunia ini tak akan cukup untuk membeli cintaku padamu.)


All the gold and diamond in the world are not enough to buy the love I have for you. (Quote Keren)

9. "Indeed we have much taste. Indeed we are not together. If indeed we are destined to be together forever, love would not be where." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Sungguh kita punya banyak perbedaan. Sesungguhnya kita pun tidak sedang bersama. Jika memang kita ditakdirkan bersama selamanya, cinta tak akan kemana.)


Indeed we have much taste. Indeed we are not together. If indeed we are destined to be together forever, love would not be where. (Quote Keren)

10. "You wanna know who I'm in love with? Read the first word again." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Kamu ingin tahu siapa yang ku cintai? Bacalah kata pertama.)


You wanna know who I'm in love with? Read the first word again. (Quote Keren)

11. "Seeing your smile is happiness for me. Meanwhile, having you is the most beautiful gift in my life." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Melihat senyummu adalah kebahagiaan bagiku. Sementara, memilikimu adalah hadiah yang paling indah dalam hidupku.)


Seeing your smile is happiness for me. Meanwhile, having you is the most beautiful gift in my life. (Quote Keren)

12. "I feel like flying in the sky when U look at me. I hope the wind will tell U how much I love U." (Quote Keren) Click to tweet

(Aku merasa seperti terbang ke angkasa ketika kau melihatku. Kuharap angin akan memberitahumu betapa aku mencintaimu.)


I feel like flying in the sky when U look at me. I hope the wind will tell U how much I love U. (Quote Keren)

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